Hydrates, increases energy levels and blood cell production.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes.
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month to alleviate symptoms of dehydration.
Rehydrates, increases blood cell production. Improves sleep and mood.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes.
Contains: B Complex & Minerals
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month to alleviate symptoms of dehydration. This is also great before a party!
Need a quick pick-me-up? Want to feel amazing and revitalized?! This is the drip for you.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes.
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month to alleviate symptoms of dehydration & fatigue.
This amazing customized IV can help melt the effects of stress and tension away and get you into that tranquil state of mind.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes.
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month to alleviate symptoms of dehydration & stress.
Hungover, have a migraine, PMS or just need a boost? Come get renewed, revitalized and regain your function.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes.
Contains: B Complex, B12 , Minerals & Toradol
(popular additions to this drip are Zofran & Pepcid for relief of common symptoms associated with hangovers and migraines)
Recommended Use: 1-4 times per month, as needed, to alleviate symptoms (good for before/after party)
Feel energized and ready to go with this power packed pick me up!
Includes rehydration with 500mL IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: B Complex, B12, Amino Acids & Taurine
Recommended Use: 1-4 times per month to alleviate symptoms of dehydration and exhaustion or before a fun-filled weekend of physical and mental challenges!
Boost your immune system and be proactive in the prevention of cold/flu and other illnesses. This will decrease your time of feeling down when you are ill. It can also help with healing from an injury, wound or surgery.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: B complex, Vitamin C & Zinc
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month during cold/flu season, whenever you feel a cold coming on and before/after traveling to boost the immune defense systems of your body.
High performance IV to support hydration, recovery, energy and reduce pain & inflammation. Are you a serious athlete or physical challenge competitor?
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: B Complex, Minerals, Amino Acids & Vitamin C
Recommended Use: 1-2 times per week while training. Before or after a competition, event or marathon.
Pregnant or planning to become pregnant? Breastfeeding? This drip is for you!
Support your body and growing baby with this customized IV that is power-packed full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to support both mom and growing baby with all the changes that occur during pregnancy! This supports & protects bone formation, growth and health as well as support to help protect and prevent neural tube defects and assit mom with energy!
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: B complex, Minerals, Zinc, Folic Acid, Calcium & a separate Intramuscular (IM) Vitamin D injection
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month during pregnancy/breastfeeding or while trying-to-conceive
Do you need a little more pep in your step? Low on energy? Feeling sluggish and like you just can't get going? Want MORE out of yoru physical routine and exercise regimen? The goal of this customized IV is to help increase your energy without the jitters or crash later in the day. this can also help to increase your metabolism and burn more fat in combination with diet and exercise.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: B complex, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium & Taurine
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month when feeling low energy or preparing for a high impact/physical/mental challenge.
Did you know that headaches are the 5th leading cause of patients presenting to the Emergency Department in the USA? This customized IV can be especially helpful with cluster migraines and can help to relieve symptoms associated with headaches/migraines such as; pain, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and more.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Magnesium, Zofran, Toradol* & Benadryl**
Recommended Use: As needed for relief and symptom management of headache/migraines/pain
*Cannot have taken any ibuprofen, Aleve/Advil or any other NSAID the same day in order to receive
** MUST have a driver to receive this medication as it can cause drowsiness
This drip is an excellent option for those trying to reduce oxidative stress and acute cases of anxiety and/or depression. The combination of vitamins, minerals and nutrients work together to promote mental health wellness and physical relaxation. This customized IV can assist with improving neurotransmitter function and supports the formation of serotonin and dopamine, which help to improve mood, cognition and so much more!
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Taurine, Vitamin C, Calcium, Chromium & B12
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month when feeling stress, brain fog, anxiety and/or symptoms of depression
Acne prone skin? This drip is perfect for the person currently on a journey to better skin health. Acne is very common and impacts a large population of people from childhood all the way through adulthood. There is nothing to be ashamed about and you have options! With the proper education, tools, vitamins and consistency, clearer skin can be achievable for many people while avoiding prescription medications.
Once you've reached your skin care goals related to clearance/improvement of acne you should graduate to our PNW Radiance Drip to maintain your beautiful skin!
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Vitamin C, Zinc & Magnesium
Recommended Use: 1-4 times montly as desired/needed for improvement in symptoms
This drip was designed for our Bariatric Surgery population! This will support fat burning, healing, help with protection from postoperative infection and muscle wasting and support hair, skin and nails!
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: B-Vitamins, Amino Acids, Vitamin C, Biotin & B12
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month as needed to support you on your recovery and weight loss journey
Feeling off? Unbalanced? Do you have concerns about your endocrine system and immune systems? This drip can help with symptoms associated with thyroid abnormalities while assisting to stabalize hormones and boost your immune system to help you feel balanced!
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: B-Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium & Zinc
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month as needed to help relieve symptoms and support homeostasis.
Boost your brain function! Do you have brain fog? Mental fatigue? Personal or family history of dementia and/or Alzheimer's?
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Taurine, Folic Acid & B12
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month as desired to keep your brain function optimized and feeling your best, especially if you're under stress or trying to meet a timeline/deadline.
The OG of IV Therapies. Essential nutrients for overall health and wellness.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Magnesium, B Complex, B12, Calcium, Vitamin C & Glutathione
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month as desired
Radiate beauty with a vitamin formula that is collagen building & anti-aging. This is ideal for hair, skin & nails.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluid and electrolytes
Contains: B Complex, Biotin , Folic Acid & Vitamin C
Recommended Use: 1-4 times a month as desired. 1 week before a big event (wedding, pictures, acting/modeling etc)
Reach your body goals with this IV combined with good lifestyle choices; including healthy foods for fuel & physical activities.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Amino Acids, B-Vitamins, Folic Acid & B-12
Recommended Use: 1-4 times per month as desired
Enhance your libido and relight the fire in your body and mind.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Magnesium, Minerals, Amino Acids, Taurine & B12
Recommended Use: 1-4 times per month as desired
Reduce inflammation, pain, swelling and reduce/eliminate discomfort while rehydrating and revitalizing your body and mind.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Magnesium, Minerals, Amino Acids, B-Complex, Decadron & Toradol
Recommended Use: 1-4 times per month as desired
This is our one-stop IV drip. It has all the benefits you could imagine in one specially formulated combination.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: B Complex, Vitamin C, Minerals, Amino Acids, Glutathione & B12
Recommended Use: 1-4 times per month as desired for complete wellness and support
This is an excellent option for those who have had COVID or any other viral illness and are experiencing "Long-Haulers" or have chronic health conditions that cause lasting fatigue, brain fog, body aches, trouble concentrating, poor sleep, poor recovery from physical activities and so much more!
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: Vitamin C, B-Complex, B12, Magnesium, Folic Acid, NAD+ & Glutathione
Recommended Use: As needed for relief of symtoms
We have a protocol for those experiencing "Long-Haulers" or that have chronic concerns.
This protocol consists of 8 PNW POST-VIRAL IV DRIPS and can be purchased as a package*
*Contact us for package pricing
NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, the chemical term for a coenzyme found in all of our cells. Coenzymes are “helper molecules” necessary for activating enzymes that convert food into energy in our body. As a coenzyme, NAD+ has two essential roles: giving us energy and repairing our cells.
Includes rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes
Contains: NAD+ & Glutathione
$ pricing varies based on dosing
NAD+ packages also available
Click here for more information about NAD+
Need MORE Hydration?
Each of our customized IVs Include rehydration with 500mL of IV fluids and electrolytes.
You can upgrade any of our customized IVs to be 1 full liter of fluid
Extra dehydrated?
Add an additional liter of fluid to your service (must upgrade 1st bag to 1 full liter and then you have the option to add 1 additional liter to your service)